Jeff Rollings, Food Box Challenge Participant
Day 5 Piggy
Well, here we are. The week has passed and we’re still
Last night brought us an illustration of something that
must be all too common in food bank households. I was passing through the
kitchen. There on the counter lay the last remnants of the little hunk of
cheese we had for the week. It’s our big treat and we’ve been behaving like it
was gold, savouring tiny pieces.
Without thinking, I popped the remainder into my mouth
and it was gone.
Upon discovering this, Brandy was less than pleased. She
expressed her displeasure verbally, then followed up with an email, waiting in
my inbox this morning. Here’s what it said: “Jeff is a piggy. He ate all the
cheese when he knew it was all we had left. $%!)head.”
A minor event, from which we will recover, but it made me
think about how much tension there must be within families when there isn’t
enough food, how easily a seemingly little thing like that can set of a
Lord-of-the-Flies like devolution.
Today the Food Box Challenge participants met for a
wrap-up lunch. It was all delicious, but I noticed that the thing I went for
first wasn’t the cookies or the sandwiches. It was the raw vegetables. Even if
my mind hasn’t been especially missing them, apparently my stomach was.
Also on the fresh and green front, my Food Box Challenge
colleague Karen Hutchinson arrived with a gift for me: a baggie filled with
freshly picked and washed dandelion leaves. I ate them. After my complaining
earlier in the week that I wasn’t ready to go there, now I must also eat those
words – dandelions are actually pretty good. (The secret, she tells me, is to
pick from plants that have grown in the shade).
My main feeling at the end of this experience is guilt.
Now I’ll go back to my wanton grazing, while actual food bank clients will face
another week of the same, and another after that. Still, I do think my attitude
has shifted. I don’t think I’ve ever really thought much about food before,
other than how it tastes. As Brandy put it, we’ve both arrived at “a more
visceral, tummy-rumbling empathy.”
One of the very real and hard parts of being a food bank client or someone who struggles to put food on the table is that food becomes something more than an essential part of family life. Food and stories are to be shared with family members. For a food bank client food can easily become a sign of money - money that is scarce and for someone who literally counts the pennies to see food half eaten on a plate can cause an angry outburst that seems far greater than the situation warrants. Not having access to healthy and sufficient food leads to battles at the family table about food, battles about school lunches not eaten and battles about food preferences. All of these battles can contribute to eating disorders. Access to sufficient food is so much more than simply having a full belly.